2020 - 2022Refocusing on the essential

The strength of the collective, an anti-crisis remedy. In the face of the health and economic crisis, Up has relied on the strength of the collective to meet a large number of challenges and prove its resilience. More than ever, the Up group has demonstrated that it is not a company like any other. Its governance model is unique and embodies a different vision of the company's societal role.


Let's #keepUp: a collective strength to address the unprecedented health crisis caused by the Covid-19 virus

  • Up mobilized its teams around the world: 
    • taking care of Group employees through appropriate protective measures and a an organization favoring remote working 
    • supporting restaurants and local businesses (discounts, cash advances, loyalty programs, administrative management, etc.) 
    • helping governments and local authorities in their emergency and recovery policies (special vouchers) as close as possible to the geographies/areas 
    • active solidarity with the most vulnerable populations (commitment to partnering organizations) 
  • The annual General Meeting of the parent company's employee-members was postponed from June to September and for the first time was held 100% digital.
  • Increasingly digital solutions in all countries where the Group operates were launched. 


Green light to build of the futur headquarters

Up Gardens, the future headquarters of our Group, the first stone of which was laid the 16th November 2021, will reflect Up's values of humility, flexibility and openness.

To achieve this, Up Gardens will be simple, pragmatic and efficient: nothing will be set in stone and the spaces will be able to adapt to the activities as well as to the evolution of uses, mentalities and needs.


Consolidation of core business in France

  • Up sells its subsidiaries Cityzen and Dôme and takes part in the creation of a new industrial group serving the modernisation of social action in France. Cityzen and Dôme, subsidiaries of the Up group, and Médisys are creating a new industrial group to modernise social services in France and become a key player for professionals and local authorities. As a shareholder, Up sits on the Supervisory Board of this group, in order to fully support this ambitious new project.
  • Up and Klaro - (formerly Toutes mes aides) are acting against the non-use of social assistance. The Up group has joined forces with the start-up Klaro to inform French employees of all the benefits for which they are eligible and to facilitate their efforts to claim their rights. To find out more about Klaro (formerly Toutes mes aides), click here
  • The Up group is accelerating the digitalization of services for social and economic committees (CSE) with the acquisition of the start-up Leeto. The Up group is acquiring the start-up Leeto to strengthen its range of services dedicated to the Ecomic and Social Committee and to support their digital transformation. Leeto is a digital and innovative solution that complements the Up group's solutions for works councils. It is a platform for accessing offers and benefits for employees, a tool for managing the life of works councils and the first 100% online payment account offer for works councils.

Development of activities in Europe and the Mediterranean

  • Launch in Romania of Up MultiBeneficii, a complementary flexible benefits platform for employees, as well as an "Up4Work" Barometer

  • Up Spain relies on Hastee to provide on-demand payroll services to over 4,700 companies

  • To celebrate its 4 years of presence on the Tunisian market, the Up group announces its new corporate name Up Tunisie.

  • Relaunch of the Sport UpFit solution in Moldova

Solidarity by nature and by choice

Up is developing solutions and partnerships with retailers to combat food waste and is committed to working with its partners in the general interest to address food insecurity.

  • In France, since September 2021, the Up group has been involving the 220,000 shops in its network in the fight against food insecurity through a partnership with HopHopFood. To find out more about HopHopFood, click here.
  • In December 2021, Up Romania acquired a stake in the start-up BONAPP in order to actively participate against food waste in the country.
  • Up has partnered with Last Minute Sotto Casa in Italy and TooGoodToGo in Belgium, two applications created to fight against food waste.



Separation of powers at the head of the cooperative

January 2022, the Board of Directors of the cooperative validates the dissociation of powers between the President and the General Manager. Youssef Achour becomes President of the cooperative and Julien Anglade, Managing Director.

Expanding the ecosystem of partnerships and alliances

The Up group joins forces with Prev&Care and Rosaly to expand its employee benefits offer.

The Up group is expanding its employee benefits offer by integrating two solutions that make life easier for employees. Need an advance on your salary? Need support when you are an employee caregiver? It's possible and it's easy thanks to the solutions offered by start-ups Rosaly and Prev&Care, which have now been integrated into the Up group's offer. The result: less stress and more commitment on a daily basis.

To find out how Prev&Care can support employees who are caregivers, click here.


A stronger commitment to the Social and Solidarity Economy

In April 2022, Youssef Achour was elected President of the Regional Chamber of the Social and Solidarity Economy of Île-de-France.

Acceleration of the digital transformation

The cooperative group, which specialises in socially useful and local payment solutions, is accelerating its digital transformation with the launch of UpOne.
UpOne brings together the entire range of employee benefits in a single management solution for the company and payment solution for the employee.
To discover UpOne, click here.
 At the same time, Up is exploring the new flex-benefits market through its subsidiary May, which offers employees the possibility to consume as they wish and to be reimbursed for purchases eligible for social benefits directly into their bank account.  
To discover May, click here.

A constantly evolving CSR approach

Investing in a CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) approach has always been a matter of course for Up, a pioneering group in the social solidarity economy, in France and Europe, and creator of payment solutions and services with a social and local utility.

Today, the expectations of consumers, employees, public authorities and economic partners regarding a company's ability to actively contribute to the common good are growing. Up wishes to respond to this by strengthening its CSR approach in order to better integrate the expectations of its stakeholders into its corporate strategy. This approach also makes it possible to reaffirm, strengthen and better promote its DNA as a committed company.

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