Building a better Work-Life Balance to live better

Today, we all hold different roles at the same time in society (being a parent, a caregiver, an employee...) and having a balanced life can become a daily challenge. However, it is fundamental for our health and our quality of life. 

On the employer side, a balanced life became a priority expectation for candidates who pay particular attention to arrangements implemented in the hiring conditions. To attract and retain talents, companies evolve into seeking solutions that make employees’ life easier. As they have more time for themselves, they are more peaceful and more efficient at work.

Creating a better balanced life

means we should take care of everyone, together.  

Improving Everyday life At Every Front

Bringing your child to your neighborhood’s or company’s day care, hiring someone you can trust to do household chores, having to take care of an elder parent at home, temporarily alleviating a family caregiver or resorting to corporate concierge services to take advantage of your free time...  Because each situation is unique, we had to come up with a set of tailor-made solutions.

This is why we build custom solutions, which can be used in a large network of partners. They help organizations implement social policies and promote a better work-life balance for all.

Our solutions are adapted to aid plans and alleviate the daily life of those who need it the most (single parents, caregivers, disabled people...). They provide: 

  • Access to at-home services, to alleviate daily stress after work: cleaning, babysitting, gardening, concierge services... 
  • Access to exercising and take time for yourself, relax, and take care of your health. 
  • Access to culture and leisure activities to relax, create social bonds, learn, and have fun. 
  • Access to a sustainable diet, on a daily basis.


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