Upcoop, an international cooperative Group

From the very beginning, we have campaigned for a more sustainable society in which people are the heart of the economy. Our cooperative mission? To defend and promote the power of socially beneficial and local purchasing. Our payment solutions and services give companies and communities the means to take action on improving people’s quality of life and purchasing power.

Our legal status: a French Cooperative & Participatory Society (SCOP)

The Up Group parent company was formed in 1964 as a cooperative.

The choice of this legal status was made to assert our belief that people should be central to societal priorities, and that our missions are de facto to serve the public good. It was also France’s first mission-driven SCOP, and remains driven by that original cooperative purpose: to engage in long-term cooperation to promote the power of socially beneficial and local purchasing.

Convinced that the enterprise itself must be where value is created and shared, this cooperative purpose is a natural extension of the cooperative model adopted by our parent company UpCoop, and provides the impetus to go further and ensure sustainability over time.

At Up, we defend and promote a business model built around transparency and social responsibility. Our cooperative principles allow us to put our founding values into practice; values such as democratic power exercised by and for all, and an autonomous and independent organisational structure designed to achieve our sustainable development goals.

As a cooperative and participative society, people are always our central focus. It is this concern for others that guides the development of our products and services. Products that are fair economically and effective socially.

A business model that puts people at the heart of the economy 

Our cooperative DNA sets us distinctively apart and guarantees our independence.


From French SCOP to an internationally committed Group

Right from the beginning, we successfully involved all our stakeholders (companies, merchants, public authorities, social partners, etc.) in creating the UpDéjeuner® meal voucher (originally Chèque Déjeuner®) that pioneered our payment solutions.

As a cooperative society, we have naturally close ties with our operating regions and their stakeholders - companies, local authorities, non-profits, merchants, etc. - and share their concerns about the challenges they face. Our solutions effectively and sustainably help the regions we serve to maintain their dynamic impetus.

Today, we employ 3,210 people in 25 countries on 4 continents, all of them committed to the Group's key development priorities and making a daily contribution to its growing influence!  

Committed employees with a clear mission: to make a positive impact on everyone’s quality of life.

Find out more about our CSR Policy

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