Happy 2024 !

Welcome to 2024 ! For this new year, the UpCoop cooperative, now a company with a mission, reaffirms its commitment to sustainable cooperation for socially useful and local purchasing power. The year 2024 marks the 60th anniversary of a unique company that has proved that a model of democratic governance and value sharing can be sustainable, and that it is possible to do business differently.
Founded in 1964, UpCoop, a cooperative and participative company (Scop), is firmly rooted in the present and continues to innovate in order to build for the future. Its solutions for employee benefits and financial aid for local communities continue to demonstrate the meaning of its activity and its impact on the social, economic and environmental environment. For 60 years, the UpCoop cooperative, parent company of the Up group, has been demonstrating the relevance and modernity of the Social Solidarity Economy (SSE).
Commitment to a different business model
What does it mean to be a cooperative? It means democratic governance, a focus on people and collective action in all major decisions, and a commitment to a long-term, virtuous approach.
By choosing to become a company with a mission in January 2023, the UpCoop cooperative is giving even greater resonance to the militant values that have underpinned it since its creation in 1964, and more impact to its CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) approach.
In 2024, UpCoop will continue to defend a cooperative and sustainable business model, which improves the quality of life of employees and communities and has a positive impact on society.
Commitment to useful purchasing power for all
UpCoop, a Sop (French Cooperative and Participatory Society) with a mission, creates payment methods and services that enable compagnies and local authorities to improve the purchasing power and quality of life of employees and citizens on a daily basics : food, culture, a balanced lifestyle and social assistance.
In 2024, UpCoop will continue to defend purchasing power that generates a concrete and significant impact on the quality of life of an individual or a community.
Commitment to more local and sustainable consumption
Purchasing power is good. The power to act is even better! The UpCoop cooperative is convinced that it's by acting together that we can really have a positive impact on the environment, society, the economy and local communities. This is why we have launched the “Act together” program for more responsible consumption, which is an extension of our commitments, to which we wish to associate our customers, our partners, our beneficiaries and our teams.
In 2024, UpCoop will continue to defend ethical and sustainable consumer choices that contribute to environmental preservation and social progress.
Commitment to healthyand responsible eating
The UpCoop cooperative has been committed to healthy, responsible eating for all since the creation of the UpDéjeuner meal voucher.
Working alongside producers, restaurateurs, distributors and public authorities, UpCoop develops solutions and partnerships to give everyone sustainable access to quality food.
In 2024, UpCoop will continue to defend the balance between satisfying individual nutritional needs, preserving the environment and promoting fair food systems for present and future generations.
Commitment to a more inclusive society
Because social cohesion depends on an inclusive society where everyone has their place, UpCoop works to promote social equity.
Our smart currency solutions meet the needs of local populations, while modernizing social action and making public policies more visible and effective.
In 2024, UpCoop will continue to defend social justice and equal opportunities, rights and resources, so that every individual can contribute fully to civic life and to a fairer, more harmonious future for all.
We wish you all the best for 2024 !