European Mobility Week - September 16 to 22

Each year, the European Mobility Week invites citizens, businesses and communities to adopt a sustainable eco-citizen approach by favoring alternative transportation modes to the private car: public transport, carpooling, car-sharing, cycling ...
Up employees are regularly made aware of the company's efforts in fighting against global warming and are actors. Their mobility and travels are obviously part of this environmental matter.
We have set up tangible solutions in France
As part of its new 2021-2023 environmental policy, Up is committed to working on a action plan favoring to sustainable mobility. For this year’s mobility week, Up employees have been made aware of the 10 simple gestures for responsible driving with various training modules through its internal e-learning platform: Academy Up.
At the Group's Headquarters in Gennevilliers (near Paris), to facilitate the so-called “last mile travel” once out of the suburb train or Métro, Up has set up a pooled-shuttle service with other companies in its area of activity, thus establishing a common Company Travel Plan. The Up CEV subsidiary, for its part, offers electric locomotion to its employees (scooter, car or bicycle).
Finally, Up is also raising awareness among its customers with a new offer, in partnership with Betterway, aiming at implementing an efficient and simple sustainable mobility policy.
International initiatives
To enable collective environmental-friendly progress, in coherency with Up's CSR approach, all responsible and sustainable good practices are shared throughout the Group, like the car policy for example.
Several initiatives have also been launched in several countries where Up group operates:
• In Belgium, Up Monizze offered its employees a multi-mobility offer including an electric scooter or bicycle in combination with public transport.
• In Slovakia, for the fifth time, Up supported the national campaign “Do práce na bicykli”, for the promotion of cycling in the city, thus fostering green mobility and health.
• Several subsidiaries provided tire inflation and battery charging equipment for bicycles, scooters and electric vehicles in their car parks.
In total, 7 subsidiaries of the Up Group offer solutions promoting the use of alternative mobility. Thus enhancing that at Up, Corporate Social Responsibility is the natural extension of our desire, since 1964, to have a positive impact on the Society.