Up Group strengthens its commitment to people with disabilities

After the implementation of a staff representation agreement in October 2016, Up Group has just signed a first company agreement in France that will facilitate the employment of people with disabilities.
This agreement is valid for three years (2017-2019) and takes over from the Agefiph agreement which ended after 3 years of implementation.
An agreement based on an overarching policy approach
This agreement for persons with disabilities is part of an overall human resources policy that promotes diversity within Up Group. It was signed unanimously by the trade unions and was approved by the labor administration. This signing marks the resolve of the Group’s Senior Management and its signatory social partners (CFDT, CGT and FO trade unions) to further develop the approach which has been actively promoted in this area for 4 years.
Actions for access to employment
The agreement drives the continuation and enhancement of various actions that are implemented to assist Up Group in matters of recruitment, professional development and inclusion of disabled individuals. The main focus of this new agreement is intended to:
- Increase the volume of direct and indirect hiring of employees with disabilities. Up Group wishes to reach 4% by the end of the agreement’s mandate.
- Optimize career development for employees benefiting from all measures that facilitate keeping them in the workforce.
- Increase the volume of services provided by the protected and adapted sector (ESAT) as part of the Group’s procurement policy. The goal is to increase purchases from the protected sector by 5 to 7% by the time 2019 comes around.
- Inform, train and build lasting awareness among the main stakeholders coordinated by the Group’s Diversity Mission, as well as managers and employees, to enrich their knowledge of different types of disabilities and change stereotypes on the subject (guides, workshops, conferences...).
- Expand the Diversity Mission by creating a network of diversity correspondents.
Personalized support for people with special needs
Specific support measures are also being renewed and further strengthened in order to improve the working conditions of employees with disabilities: flexible work schedules, access to training, providing the Chèque Emploi Services Universel -Universal Employment Services Voucher- (CESU), leave of absence for administrative or medical procedures.
Over and above its efforts benefiting employees with disabilities, Up Group has also expanded some of its services, such as allocating CESU vouchers and granting leave of absence for administrative or medical procedures to employees who are parents or spouses of people with disabilities.
All of these efforts as a whole contribute to developing employment for persons with disabilities within the Group.
Too often do we forget that a company will hire a person with disabilities for the same reasons as any employee: to develop the company’s skill set and know-how. But it is also a way of affirming the company’s social responsibility, and an opportunity to examine working conditions. Our signing this agreement is a further step in this direction, both strengthening our commitment and illustrating some of our values.