The Up Group committed to waste reduction

The European Week for Waste Reduction, from 20 to 28 November, is a time for collective mobilisation to promote good production and consumption practices that prevent waste.
During the European Week for Waste Reduction, coordinated by ADEME, everyone can carry out awareness-raising actions : local authorities, administrations, associations, companies, schools, retirement homes, hospitals... but also individuals !
Limiting the ecological footprint of its products, a priority for the Up group
At the international level, recycling solutions for our vouchers have been implemented by the Up subsidiaries that market them. UP DAY, UP SI VALE, UP TOMBOU, UP coopérative, UP CESKA REPUBLIKA, UP ROMANIA and UP SLOVENSKO recycle paper vouchers at the end of their life cycle, which represents 75% of the Group's entities and a recycling rate of 87% of the volume marketed.
In France, UP cooperative, which by nature aims to have a positive impact on society (from a social, environmental and economic point of view) and is part of the Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE), is committed to limiting the ecological footprint of its products.
The life cycle of its titles is thus conceived in a virtuous way, in an eco-design logic: from the manufacture with PEFC paper (respectful of the environmental, economic and social functions of forests) to the recycling, when the product is at the end of its life.
Up products in card form are also subject to specific recycling (due to the presence of electronic components) by UP Cooperative and Alios. Since 2020, 27,273 cards have been collected and recycled.
The best waste is the waste we don't produce, both at work and at home
The workplace is a space that is generally less taken into consideration than the home when considering the quantity of waste. However, it is a major source of waste, whether it is "everyday" waste (paper, food waste, etc.) or more occasional but significant waste in terms of volume (office furniture, IT equipment, etc.).
In addition to the shared and rationalised management of office furniture, IT equipment and office supplies, Up employees are encouraged to adopt good habits on a daily basis :
Avoiding over-consumption of paper
Limit waste paper that can still be used (second side used as a draft or pocket for filing other papers/documents)
Reuse or donate stationery and office storage items
When paper waste is unavoidable, dispose of it in the correct bin so that it can be recycled
Avoid the use of disposable tableware
Limiting waste is basically about consuming differently. What are you doing to prevent waste ?