Up group establishes in Moldova

Up Group officially inaugurated its new subsidiary in Moldova, thus continuing its international development by establishing in a 19th country.
Taking advantage of its position in Central and Eastern Europe, Up inaugurated its new subsidiary in Moldova on March 6, 2018, in the presence of the Minister of Economy & Infrastructures of Moldova, M. Chiril GABURICI, the Ambassador of France in Moldova, Mr. Pascal LE DEUNFF, and social partners.

A network already made of more than 600 affiliated merchants
Since the opening last November of its office in Chişinău, Up Moldova has developed an acceptance network for its luncheon offer (« Dejun ») comprising more than 600 affiliated merchants, including the largest restaurant-food chains and food stores.
The law authorizing luncheon vouchers was adopted by the Parliament of Moldova on March 1, 2018. Up Moldova will thus be able to issue its first vouchers in March and will launch, by the summer, a card format as well as mobile applications for beneficiaries, merchants and customers. Thanks to its solutions, Up Moldova aims to become a leader in this market.
In a context of economic growth in the country, Up’s offer will help local businesses improve the well-being at work and the motivation of their teams.

We are delighted with this investment allowing the Up group to establish in a 19th country in which the meals-food market has a strong growth potential. The opening of our subsidiary in Moldova will enable us to offer services to our future customers and beneficiaries that contribute to well-being and performance.
« Our ambition, thanks to the quality of our service and of our digital offer, is to become rapidly and sustainably the undisputed leader in the market. ». Julien ANGLADE, Up Group Eurasia Regional Director
« The actions already undertaken in the country will enable tens of thousands of Moldovan employees to benefit from a social advantage dedicated to restaurant and food services. ». Dumitru COZMOLICI, Director of Up Moldova
Up Moldova’s website is now available in Romanian, Russian and English: http://upmoldova.md