The Up Foundation

Created in 2017, Up Foundation is based on the cooperative culture, the reason for being, and values of the Up group, inherited from its founders, to impulse the power to act and strengthen social ties.
Demonstrating our difference by expressing the societal mission
of the Group through its sponsorship policy
and committing resources to making it real.
A collective ambition
Driven by a multi-year action plan, the Up Foundation coordinates its actions in support of civil society, through a sponsorship policy, to restore access to the essentials.
Its ambition is to impulse the power to act and to promote social ties with people in situations of isolation or dependence, "the invisible", all generations included.
Up Foundation manages the sponsorship policy in all the countries where the Up group is established and guides the sponsoring subsidiary through local sponsorship correspondents.
It thus supports projects over the long term, in a logic of co-construction and regular exchanges with its partners.
Learn more about the projects we are backing: THE FOUNDATION